Monday Watchlist

by | Dec 3, 2023

Howdy traders, it’s Matt here.

Monday morning is our next opportunity to profit.

And I’ve got a watchlist with the 3 hottest tickers to keep an eye on.

I’m going to share each of these stocks with you today. But understand, Monday’s biggest runner could come from a stock that hasn’t spiked yet.

The stocks on my watchlist show recent volatility and we can use the price action to build solid trade plans.

But commonly, Monday’s strongest runners follow a first-green-day pattern.

The move could continue throughout the week, but we want to be there first so there’s enough time for maximum profits.

I’ll show you my watchlist. But keep reading to discover which stocks are most likely to spike on Monday.

There’s a pattern to follow.

And if we find the right stock, the opportunities are endless.

Monday Watchlist

I’m not here to mince words.

Let’s get down to brass tax. Here are my 3 stocks … 

Garden Stage Ltd Ord (NASDAQ: GSIW)

This is a recent IPO that started trading on Friday, October 1.

The price spiked 170% intraday.

IPOs are historically volatile because it’s the first time anyone has been able to publicly trade the stock.

It’s unclear whether the price will spike higher or take a nose dive. But thanks to our trading patterns, we can prepare for either scenario.

We’re focused on the volatility. And since human beings are predictable, we can map certain price action and take advantage of it for profits.

Vivos Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: VVOS)

This is a recent runner that I’m still watching due to the current price action.

The stock spiked 1,000% on Wednesday, November 29 after the company announced an FDA clearance for its sleep apnea treatment.

The stock dipped off the highs in the following days. But it hasn’t given up all of the gains.

It’s possible the price bounces from this level. And if it can consolidate above key support, we may even see it reach new highs.

Redhill Biopharma Ltd. (NASDAQ: RDHL)

This is another recent runner.

It spiked 950% after announcing a 5-year FDA grant on November 27.

And similar to VVOS, the chart is consolidating between the recent highs and lows. If that consolidation continues, the price could spike higher.

Keep an eye on the breakout level at $3.

And be advised, there’s premarket resistance at $4 from November 29. Most traders don’t know that because their software doesn’t show premarket activity.

Monday Day-One Spiker

We’re using support and resistance levels to trade the hottest stocks.

But first, we’ve got to find them.

In case you didn’t notice, two of the three stocks on today’s watchlist are biotechs.

Biotechs are the hottest small-cap stocks this year.

Artificial intelligence had a few contenders. And the sector was all over the face of corporate media.

But for small account traders, biotech stocks are where it’s at.

And on Monday, we’re looking for the next spicy biotech stock that’s spiking with news. Imagine if there was an FDA stock again. VVOS and RDHL both spiked with FDA news.

It seems like a simple process … Doesn’t it?

Don’t let hindsight fool you. It’s always 20/20 when we look backward. But when the market opens on Monday, things will move fast. Don’t leave your account up to chance.

We’re holding LIVE trading sessions every day to point out the hottest setups.

It’s your decision whether to trade.

But make sure you’re watching the right setups at the right time.

Here’s the live-stream link.


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