My Top Stocks

by | Oct 7, 2023

Howdy traders, it’s Bryce here.

The morning price action was incredible last week.

The only caveat is the momentum died throughout the day.

That made it more difficult for some traders who work a day job or don’t have time to watch the market open.

But don’t worry, there’s a solution … 

I’m focused on 3 little-known runners that could provide swing trade opportunities.

  • Mobile Global Esports Inc. (NASDAQ: MGAM)
  • Motorsport Games Inc. (NASDAQ: MSGM)
  • Mullen Automotive Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN)

Warning: These are not investments.

The larger market is shedding weight faster than a fat man in a sauna with a sweatsuit. And investors are on the edge of their seats hoping for a bounce.

It’s not safe to buy and hold at random.

If it was that easy, every Joe Schmo would be a millionaire.

It takes a bit of work to get where I am. But I’m here to show you the path … 

Swing Trade Opportunities

There’s a lot of fear in the market.

Over the last two weeks, analysts stressed over … 

  • A hotter-than-expected jobs report.
  • Probable interest-rate hikes from the FED.
  • A near U.S. Government shutdown.
  • Global bond yields rising, leading to higher mortgages and other prices for businesses.

Yep … It’s looking pretty spooky out there.

But the media capitalizes on fear. That’s what gets the most views.

Don’t get distracted by those larger-market stories.

Small-account traders are more interested in stories like MGAM. The penny stock spiked 90% last week while the S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSE: SPY) flirted with new monthly lows.

The Next Trillion Dollar Chipmaker After NVDA (Not AI)

Is this little known chipmaker the next NVDA?

It has nothing to do with AI, but this company’s patented chip could generate NVDA sized gains in the coming months…

Companies like Microsoft, Intel, and Google are all quietly racing to be at the forefront of this new phenomenon…

But unfortunately for them…

This one small company holds the key to this revolution…

Let’s get to the meat of these opportunities.

Profitable trading requires a systematic approach that includes utilizing the market’s hottest patterns.

No one said it would be easy. But at least you don’t have to read newsletter after newsletter. I recorded a whole video outlining my strategy … 

You won’t become a millionaire overnight.

That’s an unrealistic expectation.

But you CAN become a millionaire eventually.

Tim Sykes showed me how to trade. And I passed the $1 million milestone earlier this year.

I’m not alone. There are over 30 millionaire traders that Tim Sykes mentored. And more are on the way.

The most helpful part of Sykes’ program is the transparency. He shares every trade. And he even holds trading live streams.

Click here to check it out.

There’s a lot that new traders don’t understand about this market.

And one livestream could clear up a lot of those questions.

Use the tools at your disposal.