Top Stock Right Now

by | Oct 5, 2023

Howdy traders, it’s Bryce here.

If you show up every day, this stuff will start to click.

  • I’m not saying you need to trade.
  • I’m not saying you need to stare at your monitor all day.
  • I’m not saying you need to read newsletter after newsletter.

Just show up.

Be curious. Check-in on the market’s hottest runners. Maybe keep a daily watchlist that’s easy to edit.

There are obvious patterns in our niche right now.

My top example is from yesterday: Vivos Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: VVOS).

The price ran 140%. And from my point of view, it was a predictable spike. But again, I have more market experience. I show up every day.

If you want to find the next spiker, pay attention. I’ll reveal the market’s hottest pattern right now.

But understand the value of this information.

The larger market doesn’t talk about spikes like VVOS because they don’t understand the price action. I do.

140% … And I can show you how to find more.

The Hottest Pattern

Everyone always says that penny stocks are a crap shoot.

To the untrained eye, it looks like meaningless volatility. But Tim Sykes proved, over two decades ago that the most volatile stocks can follow popular patterns.

It’s called the 7-Step Framework.

And all these years later, stocks still follow the pattern because it’s based on human emotion. Human beings tend to be predictable as a group. And that hasn’t changed since the dawn of time.

When it comes to finding more valuable plays … We follow the breadcrumbs.

In our low-priced niche, usually, we see a group of stocks run at the same time. It’s called sector momentum.


For example, VVOS is a biotech stock. And the biotech sector has been hot all year long.

With that knowledge, if I see a biotech stock spiking, I’m more interested in the potential trade setup. And I can trade with a bigger position size because biotech plays are working.

But remember: Eventually, the spikes in our niche fail.

The stocks are crap. The financials are crap. And 99% of the time, the price will tank in the end.

But we can use the interim volatility to profit. Sykes showed me the process, and earlier this year I passed the $1 million trading milestone.

You know how … ? I show up every day.

For a lot of new traders, it’s hard because they don’t have much direction. Thankfully, Sykes holds live streams so that I could follow along in the beginning. It was the best way to gain experience without the market exposure.

Make sure you’re watching … 

  • The right stocks.
  • At the right times.
  • With the right patterns.

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