Growing Opportunities …

by | Sep 24, 2023

Howdy traders, it’s Matt here.

Things are heating up … 

I know the mainstream media doesn’t pitch that idea of the markets.

That’s because I’m not talking about the mainstream markets.

Everybody wants you to invest in blue-chip stocks. They say oil is going higher this winter. They’re focused on the inflation rates and the FED’s resulting interest rates.

All of that is important.

But when it comes to the Joe and Janes of the world, people like me, all of that stuff is operating on a higher level.

That’s why I’m focused on the niche that provides the best opportunities for small-account traders.

For example: MicroAlgo Inc. (NASDAQ: MLGO) spiked 150% on Friday.

You didn’t hear about it on the news, did you? That’s because the larger market doesn’t understand this niche. But Bryce and I do.

And the opportunities get bigger around the holidays. That’s why things are heating up.

Here’s what to watch …

Small Account Opportunities

Once October hits, people start to think about Halloween.

Then it’s Thanksgiving. And finally, the granddaddy of all shopping holidays: Christmas.

And it’s not just shopping … 

  • People are traveling to visit family
  • It’s colder so energy usage goes up
  • Businesses try to capitalize on the spending flurry

It’s a BIG time for the market.

But it’s possible major indices will fall lower. The market COULD have a rough winter. That’s what everyone’s afraid of.

Except Bryce and me … 

Every winter the volatility picks up in our niche, and that leads to more trade opportunities.

The stocks eventually fail. We’re trading penny stocks. But there are real profit opportunities within these spikes.

Sometimes we see trash stocks spike for days and weeks. Along the way Bryce and I make a trade whenever we see a perfect setup. And since they’re day trades, we can rest easy at night without any market exposure.

It’s not as easy as it sounds. But that’s what we’re here for, we can help.

In the beginning, it’s essential a trader focuses on one or two patterns maximum. Otherwise, things start to get confusing.

Here’s what you should look for … 

#1 Pattern

We want to focus on patterns that work RIGHT NOW.

You could search through YouTube for a thousand different trading strategies, but the market is always shifting. The pattern you teach yourself might not work right now … That’s a scary thought.

Don’t worry.

Tim Sykes should Bryce and myself how to trade. We’re proof there’s a way to succeed in this niche. And it’s not just us. Sykes has over 30 millionaire students.

One of them is revealing their specific profit strategy on Wednesday, September 27 at 8 P.M. Eastern.

If you want to use a pattern that works right now … Sign up for the live stream.

I’m using multiple patterns and so is Bryce. But that’s because we started where you are and we grew one pattern at a time.

Commit to understanding Wednesday’s strategy, and build from that knowledge.

Now’s the time, before the holiday season kicks in full gear!