This Week’s Momentum

by | Sep 12, 2023

Howdy traders, it’s Bryce here.

Welcome to another hot week of stock trading!

Monday gave us good insight for the next few days … 

There’s a NEW hot sector in the market.

We’re at the beginning of this momentum. That means it’s still early … 

There will be more opportunities to profit this week.

But those who don’t recognize Monday’s volatility are looking in the wrong place. It’s all about patterns.

  • What kinds of stocks are spiking?
  • How do the charts relate?
  • How long will this trend last?

I have all the answers to those questions.

That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

Essentially: How do we find and trade the hottest stocks?

Congratulations on tuning in right now. September is heating up and you don’t want to miss these spikes.

You’re just in time.

Let’s get to it … 

#1: What Kind of Stocks?

We’re witnessing solid marijuana stock momentum for the first time in a few years.

It started with the Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ: ACB) spike.

On Friday, ACB announced it would repurchase $9 million of available convertible senior notes. The decision lowers the outstanding note supply to $39 million.

That means the company now owes less debt to investors. The news shows … 

  • Less business exposure
  • Responsible intent toward investors
  • Lower note supply

As a result, the price spiked on Friday and pushed even higher on Monday thanks to the recent buzz around cannabis regulation and its classification as a Schedule 1 drug.

There will likely still be opportunities to profit off ACB’s volatility.

And there are even more plays to keep an eye out for … 

#2: How Do They Relate?

Sector momentum is a gift from the market.

Whenever there’s a big runner, we’re likely to see more stocks try to capitalize off of the momentum.

And after ACB’s spike on Monday, we’re in the prime position to catch volatile sympathy plays.

The Keystone Trading Strategy Behind Sykes’ $7.4 Million fortune

Back in high school, Tim Sykes stumbled upon one simple strategy that helped him make $100,000 in the stock market before leaving for college…

Then, he used the same strategy to make $700,000 as a freshman in college…

And before graduating college, he had made over $1,600,000.

(Yes, while trading the same pattern)

If he could find and trade this predictable pattern over and over again, with ZERO financial experience…

So can you.

It’s important to analyze the chart of the sector leader because the sympathy plays are related to that price action.

The charts won’t look exactly the same. But if ACB spikes higher, we can feel better about sympathy-play trades.

And if ACB falls lower, we should exercise more caution with any related setups.

#3: How Long Will This Last?

The short answer: Nobody knows.

But don’t let that discourage you. There’s a simple process to determine whether we’ll see more weed spikers … 

It’s very simple. We wait to see if there are more weed spikers.

I’m not trying to predict momentum or price action. That’s a fool’s game. Nobody knows what the market will do tomorrow.

Instead, it’s best to react to price action. Watch the market and you’ll be able to tell if there are weed spikers.

That’s how I approach the market every day. It’s why I have over $1 million in trading profits.

The process is simple, but few people can execute it well enough to stay profitable. I blame a lack of resources in the market.

I always got the feeling that Wall Street wants me to lose money. Or at the very least, they want me to be in the dark so that they can play with my money.


That’s why I haven’t looked back since Tim Sykes showed me his trading process. Finally, I found an honest trader in the market who shares his whole strategy.

If you’re interested in this niche … 

>> Tune in for his next LIVE Webinar <<

To succeed in this niche you need to gain experience. And live webinars allow traders to view the process without risking their own money.

Keep an eye out for more weed stocks this week and make sure to follow along in the webinars.

The more time you put in, the faster this stuff will start to click.