Get Ready …

by | Aug 29, 2023

Howdy traders, it’s Bryce here.

There’s no time to mess around.

The volatility is picking up in the market and I think I know why … 

It’s probably not what you think.

A lot of traders struggled over the last month. And while it’s true that around 90% of traders fail, there are times we’re most likely to see fewer plays and fewer opportunities.

If you have a tough time finding solid trades right now, you’re not alone.

But the fact that you’re here, reading this email, shows that you’re different. Most people are just here to gamble. They aren’t willing to put in the work necessary to improve.

And right now it’s more important than ever.

Trading was rough in August. But it’s all about to change.

We’ll talk about it in today’s post. I’ll also share the top plays I have eyes on.

Let’s get to it … 

Cyclical Market

We rely on patterns to make trades.

That’s because stocks like to behave predictably. Especially during periods of high stress or greed in the market.

Human beings are predictable during times of high stress … like when their kid’s college fund is in a volatile stock. And yes … that happens more than you’d care to think.

Therefore, it also stands to reason that the larger market tends to follow patterns at times.

One of the biggest patterns is the cyclical nature of hot markets and cold markets.

Yearly, August is a slow month for trading.

  • People are soaking up the last days of summer
  • Kids are getting ready to go back to school

But once we slide into September, there’s usually a shift … 

That’s when people get back from vacations and the kids are back in the swing of school.

That’s why we usually see the market heat up toward the end of the year. We’re also moving toward the holiday season.

Already, we’re seeing signs of bullish momentum this week … 

  • iCoreConnect Inc. (OTC: ICCT) gapped up +950% on Monday after announcing a business combination last Friday.
  • VinFast Auto Ltd. (NASDAQ: VFS) gapped up on Monday. It’s still the star of the market as it squeezes higher. And there are lower-priced warrants available as well, ticker symbol VFSWW.
  • Genius Group Limited (AMEX: GNS) spiked past resistance yesterday and closed with some gains.

If you didn’t trade on Monday, that’s fine.

There will be more opportunities ahead.

Specifically, this Friday, September 1.

Friday Opportunities

Fridays are historically hot.

And since it’s the first day of September, the end of August, I’m prepared for some next-level volatility.

The watchlist I just shared plays a big role.

But these plays are useless if you don’t know how to trade them.

Don’t worry, there’s still time.

On August 31 there’s a Live Webinar at 8 PM Eastern to help anyone who wants to profit off upcoming spikes.

>> Reserve your seat right now <<

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