One Responsibility This Week

by | Feb 4, 2024

Hey traders, it’s Matt here.

You only need to do one thing this week.

Watch the market.

There’s no pressure to trade. But if you’re interested in trading, you need to have eyes on these plays every day. That’s how a successful trading career starts.

And right now, there are trade opportunities to make every day.

Mondays and Fridays are the most volatile. Last Friday we saw … 

  • Atara Biotherapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: ATRA) spiked 100%.
  • Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: INBS) spiked 190%.

And on Monday I expect similar moves.

Stock hype builds over the weekend. By the time markets open on Monday, traders are practically drooling over the hottest runners.

And don’t forget, the market just pushed to all-time highs.

The market’s greed makes these plays predictable.

That’s how I profit off the markets hottest stocks. I wait until the price matches a specific setup, then I get in and out with cash.

It’s easier said than done. But no matter what the haters say, there IS a process for small-account profits. Especially during 2024’s bull market.

Traders like you and me have the best opportunities right now. Don’t miss out on Monday’s price action!

Next Week’s Opportunities

Don’t attempt to trade these plays alone. It’s still possible to lose money on a stock spiking +100% intraday.

Hindsight is 20/20.

But in real time, this volatility can be stressful. 90% of traders lose because they don’t understand how to surf these plays.

Sykes: “Claim Your 90-Day Test-Drive To My New AI”

Tim Sykes here…

Every day, my patent-pending AI issues 1-3 new forecasts with high confidence!

My AI runs autonomously so it doesn’t matter whether the market is up, down, or sideways… It recently identified peak 1-day moves like 77%, 106%, 126%, 136% and more.

There are profit opportunities this coming week, but the reality is that very few traders will actually make out with gains.

It comes from a lack of experience.

New traders think they know what to do. But they’re actually playing right into the hands of sketchy stock promoters.

Don’t listen to the B.S. in this niche. With the right perspective we can ride the hype for profits.

Every single day this week: Watch the market through the eyes of a professional trader.

There are new trading live streams EVERY DAY.

That’s how I passed $1 million in trading profits: I followed trading live streams until the process started to click.

If you watch the market every day, it’s only a matter of time.

Follow along until these plays become obvious.

On Friday we were tracking INBS until it broke out in the afternoon. Look the blatant consolidation all day long before the afternoon surge:

INBS chart 1-day, 2-minute candles Source: StocksToTrade

This isn’t a difficult process.

You just need some experience.


Matt Monaco